Search for tag: "augmented"

M Case Protoday After Movie

Helsingin kaupungin markkinointi- ja tapahtumapalveluille toteutettavien elämys- ja ruokakonseptien protopäivän timelapse.

From  Pasi Tuominen 0 likes 22 plays 0  

theBox_Spirited Away_PopUp Restaurant_Timelapse

Haaga-helia amk restonomiopiskelijoiden toteuttama ravintola pop-up HH Partneri-iltaan.

From  Pasi Tuominen 0 likes 44 plays 0  

Lapland Summer VIP Event

Travel promotion at the VIP event of the ITB 2023 held in the Embassy of Finland.

From  Pasi Tuominen 0 likes 25 plays 0  

theBox Showreel 2019_2

A compilation of theBox project simulations and co-operation with project partners.

From  Pasi Tuominen 0 likes 74 plays 0  

The Box Showreel 2019

“Innovation of year 2018” The Box concept has successfully created over 200 multi-sensory environments in hotels, restaurants, destinations and trade fairs in Finland, Denmark, Estonia,…

From  Pasi Tuominen 0 likes 63 plays 0